The Cutest Scrappy Coasters Ever

These simple coasters are great to make a dent in your existing scrap bin.

They're simple coasters that make great gifts and they are super fun to make.

Supplies used:

– Batting scraps – Fabric scraps – Backing fabric – Coordinating thread – Sewing machine – Rotary cutter – Chopstick

Step 1: Pick a starting scrap

All you need to start is a fabric piece with straight edges for the center of the coaster.

You can decide how big you want your starting scraps to be. I think mine were between 1″ and 2.5″ wide all around in general.

Next, you’ll be adding scraps to each side of this first scrap in turn. 

Step 2: Quilt As You Go adding more Scraps

Find a scrap that is slightly longer than one straight edge of your first scrap.

Trim off the excess scraps that may be hanging over the edge of your batting square.

Step 3: Trimming

Take a piece of backing fabric that is the same size as your finished coaster top and place them right sides together.

Step 4: Attach Your Backing Fabric

Turn your coaster right side out using your turning gap, and use a blunt but pointy object to push your corners out.

Step 5: Top Stitching your Coaster

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