Testing Foundation Piecing Papers to Find The Best

For me, foundation piecing papers is an easy way to make something that looks super precise.

What is Foundation Paper Piecing Paper?

Foundation Paper Piecing or FPP for short, is a technique used to help sewers and quilters to piece quilt blocks with precision.

bought 7 different kinds of paper to test and review. I wanted to find out which one is the best!

FPP Paper Review Criteria

Ask yourself these: – How does it feel to sew on? – Can I press on it? – How easy is it to remove?

Different Types of FPP Paper

1. June Tailor Perfect Piecing Foundation Sheets 

– The June Tailor paper went through the printer easily. – I was able to see through the paper even on the cutting mat.

2.Tracing Paper

As with the newsprint, on my printer, the tracing paper wouldn’t go through and got all jammed up.

3. Perfect Piecing Foundation Sheets

The paper was easy to remove. The directions say you can leave it on and complete the quilt, but I have never tried that.

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Best Foundation Paper Piecing Paper Review -  Video