Sewing for Charity

If you are a keen sewer or quilter chances are you’ve wondered if you could be using your skills in a meaningful way to benefit others.

Sewing for Charity Directory

This guide is my attempt to provide up-to-date links (this post is updated regularly as new information is received) to make it easier for you to start sewing for charity.

Siblings Together - UK

Siblings Together is a charity that runs summer camps and activity days to help siblings separated to spend time together in a holiday setting.

Photo credit: Siblings Together UK

Sew Powerful

Sew Powerful is a Christian ministry supporting girls in Zambia to stay in school all month long by providing reusable sanitary products and purses.

Photo credit: Sew Powerful

Project Linus UK

Project Linus UK aims to provide comfort to sick and traumatised youth through the provision of new homemade patchwork quilts and knitted blankets.

Photo credit: Project Linus UK

Loving Hands

Loving Hands is a UK based community of knitters and sewers who make items for various charities. New members are always welcome.

Photo credit: Loving Hands UK

Pyjama Fairies

Pyjama Fairies' goal is to distribute beautiful pyjamas and surgical gowns that give children a reminder them that they are not defined by their illness.

Photo credit: Pyjama Fairies

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