Quilt Labelling Methods to Try 

You’ve almost finished the quilt you’ve been working on. It’s tempting to just bind it and be done!

But you may want to consider taking the time to put a quilt label on it before you finish.

Ways to Label Your Quilt

Today, I’m going to show you over 8 ways to label your quilts but first a little bit about why you should!


Machine embroidery is a great option. If you already have a special embroidery machine you are laughing!

Machine Embroidery


Make extra sure your label doesn’t fade by tracing over a printable fabric label.

Printable Fabric Label with a Fabric Pen


You can make hand-embroidered labels using an ordinary piece of quilting cotton, an embroidery hoop and some embroidery floss.

Hand Embroidery


You can machine stitch the twill tape label into the corner and then hand stitch the binding over.

Twill Tape

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More Quilting Ideas at Scrap Fabric Love