Making a Quilt without a Pattern  – My Triangle Madness Quilt

I get impatient cutting out pieces, measuring, and trying to figure out if I have enough fabric.  So often I prefer to wing it which is what I did with my Triangle Madness Quilt.

Tips Before You Start Making a Quilt without a Pattern

– Choose a color palette – A set technique, block, or shape that you want to try – Decide on a finished size for your quilt – Decide who the quilt is for

Making a Start

I started with the idea of trying out my AccuQuilt Isocolese Triangle Die which I’d never used before.

I pulled out a mix of yellow pink and low volume/white fabrics to start off with. Some were large pieces fabric remnants I’d bought on eBay or from quilt fabric scrap bags.

I cut the scraps and remnants I had pulled into as many triangles as I could and then pieced them in pairs.

Changing Direction

I made a slight change of direction which is something you always have the option to do when you are making a quilt without a pattern.

Rows 1 & 8 – 15 Triangles Rows 2 & 7 – 17 Triangles Rows 3 & 6 – 19 Triangles Rows 4 & 5 – 21 Triangles Then I had to figure out how to add a background fabric.

I had 8 rows of Triangles as follows:

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