Crumb Quilt Block Using One Color

I like to have some sort of theme when crumb piecing. To me, this helps the overall look to be more aesthetically pleasing.

Materials Used:

– Sewing machine – Sewing thread – Rotary cutter – Bits of fabric – Ironing board

What size should crumbs be?

There’s no set rule and it’s really about personal preference, but a typical crumb is smaller than a 2.5” square and generally, is at least 1” wide.

Step 1: 

It does look a little bit nicer if the shades are grouped together. I try to find the smallest pieces to start with. 

Sort your fabric scraps by color.

Line them up, right sides to right sides with a shared edge. Then, you can move on to piecing them together.

Step 2:

Line your crumbs up.

Step 3: 

Next, you chain-piece them together with the sewing machine.  I use a scant ¼” seam when I’m doing these. 

Chain piece the crumbs together.

When I feel like I have enough pieces together, I cut the thread. 

Each time I add a crumb to another piece, I take them to my wool pressing mat and press the seams with my iron to one side.

Step 4:


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Easy Tutorial for One Color Crumb Quilt Block – Video Tutorial