27 of the Best Quilting Books for Modern Scrappy Quilters

Whether you’re an experienced quilter or a beginning quilter, looking for inspiration or instruction, it never hurts to add to your knowledge bank. The best quilting books can guide you through your quilting process, teach you different techniques, and just up your quilting game.


This book has 15 different quilt patterns for your scraps. It is a compilation of patterns from different quilt designers so there are a range of styles to choose from. This book was so popular there is now a follow-up Scraps Inc Vol 2 with another 15 scrappy quilt patterns.

Scraps Inc Vol.1


This is a lovely book with lots of simple quilt ideas using your scraps. It even starts off with a pattern for a color-coded patchwork scrap bins! Author: Amanda Jean Nyberg

Sunday Morning Quilts


This book includes tips on how to make scrap quilts including picking fabric combinations that work. Author: Lissa Alexander

Oh, Scrap!: Fabulous Quilts That Make the Most of Your Stash


This book has simple improv techniques and pretty pictures to set your creative juices going. I got it as a gift and had a nice afternoon flicking through it.

Inspiring Improv


This book has some fun techniques but the thing I love most about it is that there is a focus on using your leftover blocks and other bits for new projects - no waste!

Create Your own Improv Quilts: Modern Quilting with No Rules & No Rulers

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