Quickest to Make Quilt-As-You-Go Method

I went on a quest last year to find an easy quilt-as-you-go method that didn’t involve hand sewing.

This is a method for joining rows or sections of quilts, not the kind of quilt as you go where you are piecing the block as you quilt.

What quilts suit this method best?

– Large row or column-based quilts  – Adding Borders to quilts – Court House Steps style quilts – Block by Block

Step 1: Quilt your first Block, Row, or Section. 

Choose a block, section or row you want to start with. You can quilt right to the edge of your block or section and then trim down the backing and batting.

Step 2: Cut or Piece your next section.

I choose some orange fabric. I cut my batting and backing larger than that orange fabric by a couple of inches.

For this quilt, I used an overcast stitch on a domestic machine because I was mimicking the serger stitches.

Step 3: The Joining Method

If your machine doesn’t have overcast stitches or you just don’t want to use that you can also try a zig-zag or even a straight stitch.

For all stitch types, I would use your regular 1/4″ seam.

Once your two sections are joined you can quilt that second section as desired. I used semi-evenly spaced wavy lines for this quilt.

Step 4: Quilt and Trim

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