My Thoughts on MicroStitch Basting Gun (Plus Tutorial)

I’m always on the hunt for new methods. This MicroStitch basting gun is the latest basting technique I’ve tried.  

What is a MicroStitch Basting Gun?

A basting gun is a hand-held tool that can be used in place of pins, basting spray, or other basting methods.

What is a MicroStitch Basting Gun?

This MicroStitch tool holds the layers of your quilt together as you get it ready to quilt.

Main Features

– MicroStitch tool with needle – 500+ 4.4mm size black fasteners – 500+ 4.4mm size white fasteners


– Costs more than safety pins – Tags are, unfortunately, made of plastic, so not really eco-friendly – Can be a bit fiddly to remove them


– You can sew over the tags without breaking a needle. – The tags are easy to put in. – Handy for quick repairs.

Is this my preferred Basting Method?

I find this easier than safety pins and less messy and less expensive than basting spray. 

But I wouldn’t say that I love this method so much I’ll never try another.

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Review and Tutorial of the MicroStitch Basting Gun for Quilts -  Video