Easy Reversible Denim Quilt from Old Jeans

I am so excited to share my DIY Denim Quilt with you all! It’s been on my upcycling bucket list for some time to make a big quilt picnic blanket from all my old jeans.

The quilt top is the ‘pretty’ side that the quilter tends to spend the most time on.

Quilt Top

There are lots of different ways to make a quilt top, but the traditional and still the most common way is to sew small pieces of fabric into blocks.

When you sew the smaller pieces of fabric together to make a block it is referred to as ‘piecing’. That is how I made the quilt top for my Denim Quilt.

Quilt Blocks

Quilt batting or wadding is the layer in the middle of the quilt that you don’t see.

Quilt Batting

It is sandwiched in between the quilt top and the backing which is why quilters often refer to a quilt sandwich when they are in the process of making their quilt.

The quilt back is traditionally one large piece of fabric or two pieces of the same fabric sewn together.

Quilt Back

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