7 Ways to Quilt as You Go

Quilt-as-you-go is a great way to join individual blocks that you have quilted with regular machine quilting or more intricate designs done with free-motion quilting.

Okay the back of this quilt in this method is real, it just doesn’t get quilted through in the same way as the top of the block.

Method 1: Quilt as You go with ‘False’ Quilt Back

For this first test of the joining strips method I put the smaller joining strip on the front of my quilt blocks.

Method 2: Joining strip on the front

This method is basically the reverse of the method above and results in a wider ‘sashing’ look on the front and a thinner one on the back.

Method 3:Joining Strip on the Back

This method feels a bit like a cheat but it is my favorite of the methods that involve sashing as I think it looks the neatest both front and back.

Method 4: Quilt as you Go Back to Back with Sashing

I tried this method with limited success (due to poor fabric choices) in my learner’s quilt and with more success in my quilt as you go keychains.

Method 5: Quilt as You Go Self-Binding

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7 Ways to Quilt as You Go  – Video Tutorial